"The Making of Creepshow 2" book signing event

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"The Making of Creepshow 2" book signing event

Post by thxleo »

Hi, everyone. I wanted to let you know about an upcoming book signing for my new book, The Making of Creepshow 2, which is set for release April 25 from Plexus Books. The signing will be held on Sunday, April 30 from 3pm-5pm at Dark Delicacies in Burbank, CA.

https://www.darkdel.com/store/p2870/Sun ... TPB.html#/

If you can't make it to the signing you can still order a copy directly from Dark Delicacies and they'll send you a signed copy from the event. Scheduled to appear at the signing are Don Harvey(Andy "Rich Boy" Cavenuagh from Old Chief Wood'nhead), Tom Wright(the hitcher from The Hitchhiker), Angela Nogaro(hair and makeup artist on the film and a 2003 Emmy Award winner as well), and Gary Hartle(animator and storyboard artist).

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and I hope you can make it to the signing!
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Re: "The Making of Creepshow 2" book signing event

Post by TheCollector »

Thanks for sharing! We've got a number of folks in CA hopefully some will check it out. Any chance folks can get their copies signed if they order online?
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Re: "The Making of Creepshow 2" book signing event


The book does not break until April 25 so anything ordered would not arrive in time for the signing.This is a NEW book &. Dark Delicacies is selling the book at cover price They have these signings to SELL books! & keep their doors open.... I'm sure LEE KARR & the others would be happy to sign other things as long as you bought the book there! How much would you have to pay to get things signed at a convention?
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Re: "The Making of Creepshow 2" book signing event

Post by TheCollector »

CHEROKEEBRUCE wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 11:53 am The book does not break until April 25 so anything ordered would not arrive in time for the signing.This is a NEW book &. Dark Delicacies is selling the book at cover price They have these signings to SELL books! & keep their doors open.... I'm sure LEE KARR & the others would be happy to sign other things as long as you bought the book there! How much would you have to pay to get things signed at a convention?
Sorry, when I said online I meant for folks buying from the Dark Delicacies link that was posted. I see it says available for Shipping or In-store pickup. Just wondering if orders placed via the site prior to the event might get set aside and signed, and then shipped to people's homes.....AAAAND of course I don't know why I didn't read the 2nd paragraph where that's exactly what's offered ....If you can't make it to the signing you can still order a copy directly from Dark Delicacies and they'll send you a signed copy from the event.

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Re: "The Making of Creepshow 2" book signing event


FORBIDDEN PLANET NYC Signing SUN MAY 21 5 p.m - 7 p.m..
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