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Slipcases $38-$45 - Traycases $68-$75
Look great & protect books worth much more!

Questions? - email me before ordering.


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LATER Hardback

This case features a shadowed background of New York row houses on the front of the case. On the back is a shadowed background representing the Roanoke Colony. Primary title and author on the front and spine, and alternate title and author in a stylized font on the back.

The Long Walk

Made for the Centipede Press edition of The Long Walk this two color traycase features five individual stamped dies with debossed walkers on the front & back. A large walker on the inside of the case as well as the title and author(s) in a metalic copper foil.


This custom traycase is wrapped in a cream linen and leatherette & snaps shut with neodymium magnets. Inside is a two sided placard featuring news events from both timelines of 11/22/63.

Salem's Lot

Back in stock! This custom designed traycase has the title in Bold White on the front and spine with the author red on the spine. Snaps shut with neodymium magnets and has a clear acrylic window to show off the DJ artwork.

Complete Set of Dark Tower Cases

Get all 7 Dark Tower cases at once! Simply click "Add to Cart" and a full set of these beautiful cases will be added to your shopping cart. Due to limitations of Paypal's shopping cart, if you are ordering this set for delivery outside of the USA please contact me first for an accurate shipping quote.


Featuring a new genuine leather outer wrap this slipase has the title and author stamped in silver on the spine, the front of the slipcase has "The Gunslinger" in silver and "Dark Tower Book I" in red.

The Drawing of the Three - NEW OUTER WRAP MATERIAL

Featuring a new genuine leather outer wrap this slipase has the title and author stamped in silver on the spine. The front of the slipcase has "The Drawing of the Three" in silver and "Dark Tower Book II" in red.



Featuring a new genuine leather outer wrap this slipcase has the title and author stamped in silver on the spine, the front of the slipcase has "The Waste Lands " in silver and "Dark Tower Book III" in red.



Featuring a new genuine leather outer wrap this slipcase has the title and author stamped in silver on the spine, the front of the slipcase has "Wizard and Glass" in silver and "Dark Tower Book IV " in red.

Wolves of the Calla - NEW OUTER WRAP MATERIAL

Featuring a new genuine leather outer wrap this slipcase has the title and author stamped in silver on the spine, the front of the slipcase has "Wolves of the Calla" in silver and "Dark Tower Book V " in red.

Song of Susannah - NEW OUTER WRAP

Featuring a new genuine leather outer wrap this slipcase has the title and author stamped in silver on the spine, the front of the slipcase has "Song of Susanna " in silver and "Dark Tower Book VI" in red.

The Dark Tower

Featuring a new genuine leather outer wrap this slipcase has the title and author stamped in silver on the spine, the front of the slipcase has "The Dark Tower " in silver and "The Dark Tower Book VII" in red. This case is sized for the Artist edition. A 1st edition is slightly taller and will be a very tight fit - please drop me a line ahead of time if this is going to be for a 1st edition.

Cycle of the Werewolf

Custom designed for the 7,500 copy edition of this book , the color of this slipcase matches the brown pattern of Cycle almost exactly. Stamped in gold foil on both the front and spine of the slipcase. You just won't find a better looking slipcase for this book!

The Dead Zone

Smooth coated jet-black cover with the title in gold foil on both the cover and spine. The slipcase was specifically designed to match with the gold and black styling of the 1st and 2nd printings of the Easton Press version of this book.

- When you buy the set of DT cases, there is a small surcharge built in to cover shipping because the Paypal cart sees this as one item, and charges the same as a single case, even though it clearly costs a lot more to ship a large box of 7 cases vs one slipcase

- All Dark Tower cases fit all DMG editions that didn't come with one standard (1st, 2nd, 3rd, Artist, Limited & Lettered depending on title)

- Dark Tower 1 - 4 cases also fit revised Viking editions with a little extra room.

- Dark Tower 7 case is sized for the Artist Edition. First editions will be a very tight fit as they are taller.

- Cycle of the Werewolf - fits all Land of Enchantment editions

- The Dead Zone - Fits all Easton Press editions (also 1st edition but may be a little tight)

- Salem's Lot - Fits the smaller 8.5" US Doubleday editions

- LATER - HB Fits all hardback editions from Titan Press / PB fits all trade paperback printings



- Due to supply chain issues related to the pandemic, certain materials/patterns might not always available. When that happens we will pick the next closest material available. It's not something noticeable unless you look closely and have purchased the same case but from different years. Cases that are being hit by materials shortages include COTW, Dark Tower Series Cases, and 11/22/63.

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