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1st Editions

11/22/63 Fairy Tale On Writing
  Finders Keepers Outsider (The)
Bag of Bones Firestarter  
Bazaar of Bad Dreams Four past Midnight Pet Sematary
Billy Summers From a Buick 8  
Black House Full Dark No Stars  
Blaze   Rage
Blockade Billy Gerald's Game Regulators (The)
  Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (The) Revival
Carrie Green Mile (The) Roadwork
Cell Gunslinger (The) Rose Madder
Christine Gwendy's Button Box Running Man (The)
Colorado Kid (The)    
Cujo Hearts in Atlantis  
  Holly Salem's Lot
    Shining (The)
Danse Macabre If It Bleeds Skeleton Crew
Dark Half (The) Insomnia Sleeping Beauties
Dark Tower (The) Institute (The) Song of Susannah
Dead Zone (The) IT Stand (The)
Different Seasons Joyland Talisman (The)
Doctor Sleep Just After Sunset Thinner
Dolores Claiborne   Tommyknockers (The)
Drawing of the Three LATER  
Dreamcatcher Lisey's Story Umney's Last Case
Duma Key Long Walk (The) Under the Dome
Elevation Misery Waste Lands (The)
End of Watch Mr. Mercedes Wind Through the Keyhole (The)
Everything's Eventual   Wizard & Glass
Eyes of the Dragon Needfull Things Wolves of the Calla
  Night Shift  
  Nightmares & Dreamscapes You LIke it Darker -



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