offering signed SK items by Robin Furth

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Contact: offering signed SK items by Robin Furth

Post by TheCollector »

I'm pasting the entire newsletter below, but in a nutshell thesignedpageis offering signed copies of Robin Furth's books (Dark Tower - The gunslinger is born, etc).

The great thing about thesigned page is they offer signed books at regular retail prices - they do not charge a premium for the signature. It's a great way to get a signed copy of something (sk or not) at a great price

Hi Everyone,

I have recently returned from the wilds of the 2009 NY Comic Con where I had an absolutely great time. Lots of comic books, lots of movie stuff, and many cool people. I met several great new writers, including Peter V. Brett, Robert VS Redick, SC Butler, Jeff Somers, John Birmingham and Tamora Pierce! If you ever have the chance and the means to go, I highly recommend it! So many fun things to do all in one space.

Here are some upcoming online signings!

Those of you who really know me know what a HUGE Dark Tower fan I am. While at the NY Comic Con, I met Stephen King Dark Tower research assistant and all around wonderful woman Robin Furth, who knows more about Stephen King lore than anyone! Robin has been plotting the Dark Tower comic books series and soon, in the Fall 2009, she will be plotting and writing the Del Rey comic book adaptation of THE TALISMAN, another Stephen King work. Robin, who lives in the UK, will be signing the hardcover collections of each Dark Tower series in April, and later, in the fall, the next Dark Tower comic book arc like Richard Isanove did with THE GUNSLINGER BORN.

NAAMAH'S KISS and SANTA OLIVIA signed by Jacqueline Carey
As many of you already know, Jacqueline is one of my favorite writers out there. We've known each other now for years and years and I look forward to talking to her every year. Her publisher has sent her to Seattle numerous years in a row ONLY BECAUSE you the fans demand her visit The Signed Page. This year we are doing something a bit different though. Jacqueline will be signing copies of two different books -- NAAMAH'S KISS and SANTA OLIVIA. NAAMAH'S KISS is the first book in a new series, so those of you who haven't read Jacqueline's work but might be interested in it, here's the place for you to start. It is a hardcover with a beautiful cover. SANTA OLIVIA is a trade paperback and also has a beautiful cover and is quite different than what Jacqueline has written before -- it is her take on comic book superheroes and the classic werewolf myth. Jacqueline will personalize ONLY 50 copies, so first come first served!

WHITE WITCH, BLACK CURSED signed by Kim Harrison
Like urban fantasy? Jim Butcher? Laurell K. Hamilton? Vicki Pettersson? Then Kim Harrison is for you! The Hollows, Kim's bestselling series about an ass-kicking witch and bounty hunter, is one of the more original urban fantasies out there, and her readership and praise increase daily. I also love that the majority of her Hollows titles are twisted titles from Clint Eastwood movies. Love that. Anyway, with WHITE WITCH, BLACK CURSE, she continues the story of Rachel after a period where her life has been shattered and her past comes back to haunt her. Literally. I also met Kim at the NY Comic Con and she is a super fun and cool writer, one if you guys haven't read you probably should!

THE WARDED MAN by Peter V. Brett
The next two books are garnering great exposure as the best debut novels of last year in the UK. Now they are coming to the US. The Warded Man, originally published as The Painted Man in the UK, will be published in March. It is a book Terry Brooks decided to blurb. He rarely does that, only giving blurbs to books he deems worthy (like The Briar King, The Golden Compass, and The Name of the Wind). That should tell you something about The Warded Man. It is a unique story set in a high fantasy setting. Peter V. Brett has already received praise in the UK, and like Ken Scholes has been getting huge buzz here in the US! This could be one of three great debuts from new fantasy writers this year, so keep an eye on it.

Along with Lamentation by Ken Scholes and The Warded Man by Peter V. Brett, The Red Wolf Conspiracy will be one of the best novels released in the US this year. Robert V.S. Redick, an academic and dry-witted man who reminds me a lot of Steve Erikson, has written a book that Terry Brooks also blurbed because he thought it that good. As I said earlier about Terry, that is a rarity. Red Wolf was released in the UK first to great praise, many people calling it Gormenghast on the Sea. Imagine a sailing ship as large as the Titanic holding an entire town of people, on the sea, trying to prevent war! Awesome.

Several weeks ago I ordered 30 copies of THE NIGHT ANGEL TRILOGY from the Science Fiction Book Club. In the Fall 2008, Brent Weeks released a paperback a month for three months, releasing his entire trilogy in a short span. The SFBC then collected the three books in a single omnibus hardcover. THE NIGHT ANGEL TRILOGY was one of the better releases of 2008 and I thought it would be fun to offer a collected hardcover to the fans who might want to read all three books and have them sit nice on the shelf. Well, that idea when awry. The SFBC does an absolutely horrendous job of shipping books and only six copies of the book survived to my high expectations. The other 14 are slightly dinged in different ways, from bumped spines to crunched corners to minor dust jacket tears. Since I can't sell those 14 at a collectible price and they ARE NOT signed ayway, I am offering the collected hardcover to you guys for $3 plus shipping. I just want to get them into hands who will read them. So if you want to read Brent Weeks and do it cheaply, there you go!

That's it for now. More soon! JESSICA OF DUNE by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson looms, as does A PRINCESS OF LANDOVER and THE WORLD OF SHANNARA companion update by Terry Brooks! David Anthony Durham will be doing his first online signing for THE OTHER LANDS, the sequel to ACACIA. WISE MAN'S FEAR, the sequel to THE NAME OF WIND by Patrick Rothfuss, might be a good possibility as well. Maybe a Robin Hobb. Maybe a Steven Erikson/Todd Lockwood. Maybe a RA Salvatore/Todd Lockwood. Maybe And A DANCE WITH DRAGONS by George RR Martin possibly... we'll see!

As usual, if there are any authors you guys want to see on The Signed Page and who are releasing books this year, let me know. Write me. I do this for you guys mostly, a slave to the signed book cause. :)

And as always, if you have any questions about any of these signings, let me know!


PS: I have three chapters left to write on my book, THE DARK THORN. Then a quick edit and lots of submissions. And on the side, be sure to visit for what's fun in sci-fi/fantasy!
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