Let's get to know each other a little

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Let's get to know each other a little

Post by TheCollector »

Ever wonder who's behind that user name? Here's the place to find out You can share as little or as much as you like, and it doesn't have to be SK related, just be comfortable. Don't worry, I'll start :)

I live in Seattle with my wife and two kids, and my day job is in Technology. I've got family in both Nebraska, and the Czech Republic, where I was born and emigrated from with my parents when I was just 3 years old. Over the last year or so I've taken up running (jogging) and participated in my first official 5k a couple weeks ago. I managed to finish in 30:52 which I was pretty darn happy with.

While waiting for the next SK book to come out, I've been filling my reading time with Sci-Fi and fantasy but especially titles that deal with Dystopian futures as well as automation and the rise of robotics and AI. Along those lines, I'm a huge Black Mirror fan!
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Re: Let's get to know each other a little

Post by mikeman62084 »

Hello constant readers, I am 48 and live just north of st louis in illinois. I have 6 children 17-25 and a dog named dude, cats named dorothy, dalila, and dairy. I have been collecting king books for almost 25 years now and have amassed about 650 items of kingness. Still need a few firsts, the hard ones of course to complete, but i am also collecting any diffferent versions, covers, differences in many forms of anything king, vhs, cd, dvd, vinyl, comics, etc. My prized posseions are my first edition Carrie and IT, i recently got a gift edition online of Faithful, for under $10 and Quietly Now but alas missing the signature page.....One day I hope to be able to get a signed book.
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Re: Let's get to know each other a little

Post by twhite1221 »

Hello all, I am from Huntsville, AL and have been a constant reader since I was a teenager. I am now 40 and after some years out in the wilderness of playing in a band and not reading as much I dove back into books three or so years ago. For employment, I am a Global Supply Manager for a company that makes human and animal nutrition products. I began collecting King books in just the past year and have much work ahead of me to have my collection as I would like it. ;)

Hobbies of mine include running and cycling. I did triathlons when I was younger and had more time on my hands and look to get back into that in the near future. In addition to King, I enjoy reading sci-fi/dystopian, history, and some of the classics that I should have read in my younger years.

A few of my favorite King books (as of today, b/c it changes) are 11/22/63, Pet Semetary, and Wizard and Glass.
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Re: Let's get to know each other a little

Post by Jbx3128 »

Hi everyone, 56 soon to be 57 years old, I have been in law enforcement almost 30 years and live in NY. I collect pretty much any SK related books and music memorabilia.
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Re: Let's get to know each other a little

Post by griesterer »

Hello everyone, I am from the Buckeye state and have been enjoying Stephen King for most of my life going back to about the age of 12. Being 43 now, I love collecting his material and have read it all. This site has been great for the collecting aspect and I refer to it often while trying to hunt down Kings material online and in the wild. Look forward to seeing more great things from here!!
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Re: Let's get to know each other a little

Post by nfunk75 »


I'm from the Indianapolis IN area. Mid 40's, and a King fan since I was 11 or so. My father was reading SK during his down time at work, and eventually let me have his copy of "Christine" to read. I got hooked, and started devouring King's other works. As I got older I started not only enjoying the books, but collecting 1st and rare editions when I could get them. I eventually found this site due to that hobby, and it has been a great resource.
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Re: Let's get to know each other a little

Post by Cwalker »

Born and raised in Maine, I have been reading King since I first met him in 1980. Now at 56 I am a little more retired than my wife would like me to be and I am daydreaming about opening up a small used book shop.
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Re: Let's get to know each other a little

Post by stephaniewould »

Hey Guys, I am Stephanie and I am from the UK. I have been reading King on and off since I was about 19 (Now 34). I have dedicated this year to reading King only books. I am also in the process of organising a Stephen King Edible Feature for a Cake Show in the UK. This has been approved by SK & his team. I am super excited about that. I love to trade UK/US editions upon release. Favourite King book so far has to be IT. I cam across this site via the Facebook page for rare books.
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Re: Let's get to know each other a little

Post by Steve615 »

Hello from Murfreesboro, TN. I am located in the middle Tennessee area, 30-40 miles southeast of Nashville, TN. I am a long time fan of Mr. King, his family and all of their works. I had quite an extensive collection of many of their books / novels, and other items like films / miniseries / movies on VHS tapes, DVD and Blu-ray DVD. Sadly, I lost all of that collection in a fire a few years ago. Being one to never give up, I have slowly but surely started my collection on All Things King once again. I know that I will never be able to replace lots of the treasures that I lost in that fire.. those items included several First Edition printings, signed books, ARC's and other promotional items like displays and posters that were only available via some bookstores. Nowadays, I have managed to get the majority of his films / miniseries / movies back on DVD, Blu-ray and some in the 4K UHD Blu-ray DVD format. I have also managed to pick up some of their books / novels along the way. I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds and brings our way in regards to Mr. King and his works.
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Re: Let's get to know each other a little

Post by ariddle »

Hi Everyone,
I'm Alicia from Oklahoma. I'm 55 and I've been collecting 35+ years. I have a library room that is dedicated to King stuff and Cemetery Dance books (I'm a lifetime subscriber, what a deal that turned out to be! :D ).
I live with my husband and two cats (brothers named Wile E. and Twist) on 20 acres. In my free time I enjoy birding, hiking, cheering on the Cubs, and gardening.
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