The Gunslinger - Audio Tapes
(8 cassette tapes - © January 1989)
Publisher: New Audio Library
Artist: Phil Hale
S/L Edition: 800
Unsigned Edition: ???
ISBN: 0-453-00675-2 (S/L) / 0-453-00643-4 (Unsigned)

Cassette Cover
(Click for signature page)
- Limited edition of 800 copies. Signed by Stephen King at an issue price of $125.00.
- An unsigned edition of unknown copies. Issue Price $34.95
Description from the order form:
With a storytelling skill that is sheer magic, Stephen King narrates the second leg of his brilliant odyssey/adventure. Masterfully interweaving dark evocative fantasy with icy realism, he follows his hero, The Last Gunslinger, as he is hurtled into our world through a mysterious door . . . and thrust into a savage war against underworld evil and otherworldly enemies. Read by the author himself, this utterly riveting, UNABRIDGED recording on 8 audio cassettes is packaged in Norelco boxes, providing 12 hours of spellbinding entertainment.
This book-on-tape was read by Stephen King
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