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Upside down pages The Eyes Of The Dragon
Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:23 pm
by Desposito
Many years ago I purchased the book The Eyes Of The Dragon. Pages 55 thru to 70 are upside down and backwards. Has anyone else had a book like this? I think it’s a first edition through Viking. Does this add anything to the value of the book?
Just curious.
Re: Upside down pages The Eyes Of The Dragon
Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:43 pm
by TheCollector
Thanks for asking, these sorts of misprints happen from time to time. Others include missing pages, out of order pages or sections, duplicate sections, etc.
I'd say out of all the misprints an upside down binding is probably the best of the bunch...that being said misprints generally impact the value negatively as it affects the readability fo the book. With a later hardback printing that's only worth a couple bucks to begin with I'd throw it up on eBay and see if anyone bites, you don't have much to loose!
EDIT - I read this as not a 1st edition, but either way I'd still say it likely won't be adding any value, you can try the DJ swap idea but I'd still look at eBay and see.
Re: Upside down pages The Eyes Of The Dragon
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:05 pm
If your copy is in fact a true 1st edition & the dust jacket (with scales) is in great shape it would be worth your time to try to track down a 1st edition without a jacket as the 1st edition jackets are prone to get damaged or you can sell the book to someone who just needs a fine jacket.