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Rose Madder Rejected Dust Jacket?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:07 pm
by Sherlock Joe's
Has anyone seen (or own) the rejected dust jacket copy of Rose Madder?

I've been looking for it whenever I'm out book-hunting, but have yet to see it even in rare and collectible cases that bookstores have (if they have those cases at all)

Just curious ... from Tomas' blurb on the First Editions page:
The original DJ design was rejected. A handful of copies of the book with the "rejected" dustjackets are known to exist, and are much more valuable then the regular 1st edition.

Re: Rose Madder Rejected Dust Jacket?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:27 pm
by Mr. Rabbit Trick
Bob Jackson has a couple. Many books have rejected dust jacket. They didn't like the design or changed the price. I used to collect them but don't any more.

Re: Rose Madder Rejected Dust Jacket?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:52 pm
by Mr. Rabbit Trick
As you can see from Bob's picture, there are two different "proof" dustjackets. They look similar, but the colour of "Stephen King" is different.


Re: Rose Madder Rejected Dust Jacket?

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 9:32 pm
by millertek
I think I need to find more details regarding these jackets and how to tell real ones from fakes and why there is so little chatter about these and no market established!. Since there is a lack of market values that have been established and published for these items, I find that odd - as I would assume there would be an established market range for these by now...

That tell us a few things - if there was a market for these copies based on known sales ranges, it would obviously be higher than the standard 1st edition. That higher range would have to be backed up by unique points to be able to verify authenticity as well - as we know the more valuable that range, the chances fakes exist will increase, too and so identifying info would be noted if a market value existed to justify the values established.

I would be wary of anyone selling these. Looking on ebay - almost every copy for sale using a photograph of that type of cover - is false. I contacted so many folks to get them to clarify that photo they posted vs the cover on the actual item for sale...and in every reply so far...the sellers noticed the photo they used DIFFERS from their copy for sale. Those .001 percent that confirmed their copy uses that rare cover could not provide any evidence (provenance) or guarantee their cover was authentic - because there is no info to ID authentic covers right now. So sellers with copies of the rare cover that are unaware of the variant - sell their copies for NO PREMIUM. Next, Sellers that sell their copies for HUGE premiums, while they are aware of the variant to justify that high selling price - they have no further info to BACKUP the validity of that rare why would an informed collector invest in something like that.

All in all, we'll just have to wait and see - but so far it;s been decades...and no significant info has been released to create or backup any market value ranges.

Re: Rose Madder Rejected Dust Jacket?

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 10:12 pm
by Mr. Rabbit Trick
The collectors who have these do not sell.